Entries by Anode Engineering

The Original and still the best flexible pipe couplings…

Anode Engineering provides world-class products and engineering services to oil and gas, water, petrochemical, mining and marine engineers and contractors. Among this vast array of offerings are Dresser couplings – the original and best compression type pipe joining device. Back in 1880, Solomon Robert Dresser patented a flexible pipe coupling using a compressed rubber gasket […]

Anode squeals about Apache pigs

Anode Engineering are corrosion control engineering design experts offering the highest quality international corrosion-related brands and products for pipeline applications across Australia and New Zealand. For more, the word pig conjures up images of the farmyard variety and perhaps the smell of bacon on a Sunday morning breakfast! In pipelining the word PIG is an […]

An Evolution from Isolation

Flange isolation gaskets have developed and evolved into a modern-day product — the GPT EVOLUTION®. Our Principal Engineer Isaac Isakovich says these are the toughest, most reliable isolation gaskets sold and supported in Australia and New Zealand. From the outside, flange gasket technology may look like a simple proposition – bolting two flange faces together […]

GreenAmp Pipeline Remote Monitoring- Sleep well knowing that your asset is protected!

When it comes to cathodic protection of critical pipeline infrastructure, information is the key. Traditional “once a year” test point surveys involve driving vast distances in harsh terrain, delays from extreme weather events, dealing with uncooperative land holders and even the odd angry wildlife from time to time! Often weeks of hard, dangerous work that, […]